Upcoming meetings involving the Eastern States Section
Spring 2024 Technical Meeting
The next ESSCI Spring Technical Meeting will be held March 10-13, 2024 at the University of Georgia in Athens, GA.
Local chair: Brandon Rotavera. Programming chair: Jacqueline O'Connor.
Please keep an eye on Combustion Institute announcements for details.
Templates for paper submissions:
Past programs of Eastern States Section meetings
2022 | Program | University of Central Florida Orlando, FL | 03/07/2022 |
2020 | Program | The University of South Carolina Columbia, SC | 03/08/2020 |
2018 | Program | The Pennsylvania State University, PA | 03/05/2018 |
2016 | Program | Princeton University, Princeton, NJ | 03/14/2016 |
2013 | Program | Clemson University, Clemson SC | 10/14/2013 |
2011 | Program | University of Connecticut, CT | 10/11/2011 |
2009 | Program | University of Maryland, MD | 10/19/2009 |
2007 | Program | University of Virginia, VA | 10/22/2007 |
2005 | Program | University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL | 11/14/2005 |
2003 | Program | The Pennsylvania State University, PA | 10/27/2003 |
2001 | Program | Hilton Head, SC | 12/03/2001 |
1999 | Program | North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC | 10/11/1999 |
1997 | Program | Hartford, CT | 10/28/1997 |
1996 | Program | Hilton Head, SC | 12/10/1996 |
1995 | Program | Worcester Polytechnic Institute, MA | 10/17/1995 |
1994 | Program | Clearwater Beach, FL | 12/06/1994 |
1993 | Program | New Orleans, LA | 03/16/1993 |
1991 | Program | Cornell University, Ithaca, NY | 10/15/1991 |
1990 | Program | Orlando, FL | 12/04/1990 |
1989 | Program | Albany, NY | 10/31/1989 |
1988 | Program | Clearwater Beach, FL | 12/06/1988 |
1987 | Program | Gaithersburg, MD | 11/03/1987 |
1986 | Program | San Juan, Puerto Rico | 12/16/1986 |
1985 | Program | Philadelphia, PA | 11/05/1985 |
1984 | Program | Clearwater Beach, FL | 12/04/1984 |
1983 | Program | Providence, RI | 11/09/1983 |
1982 | Program | Atlantic City, NJ | 12/15/1982 |
1981 | Program | Pittsburgh, PA | 10/28/1981 |
1980 | Program | Princeton University, Princeton, NJ | 11/13/1980 |
1979 | Program | Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA | 11/08/1979 |
1978 | Program | Miami Beach, FL | 11/30/1978 |
1977 | Program | East Hartford, CT | 10/12/1997 |
Past meetings involving the Eastern States Section
Past meetings involving the Eastern States Section have included:
Spring 2022: The 2022 Spring Technical Meeting was held March 7-9 at the University of Central Florida in Orlando, FL.
Spring 2020: The 2020 Spring Technical Meeting was held March 8-11 at the University of South Carolina in Columbia, SC.
Spring 2019: The 11th U.S. National Combustion Meeting was held March 24-27, 2019, at CalTech in Pasadena, CA.
Spring 2018: The 2018 Spring Technical Meeting was held March 4-7, 2018, at Penn State University, PA.
Spring 2017: The 10th U.S. National Combustion Meeting was hosted by the University of Maryland on April 23-26 2017 in College Park, MD.
Spring 2016: The 2016 Spring Technical Meeting was held March 13-16, 2016, in Princeton, NJ.
Spring 2015: The 9th U.S. National Combustion Meeting was held May 17-20, 2015, in Cincinnati, OH.
Summer 2014: The 35th International Symposium on Combustion was held August 3-8, 2014, in San Francisco, CA.
Fall 2013: The 2013 Fall Technical Meeting was held October 13-16, 2013 hosted by the Clemson University at Clemson, SC.
Spring 2013: The 8th US National Meeting was held May 19-22, 2013 hosted by the Western States Section and the University of Utah at the Canyon's Resort in Park City, UT.
Summer 2012: The 34th International Symposium on Combustion was held July 29-August 3, 2012, at the Warsaw University of Technology in Warsaw, Poland.
Fall 2011: The 2011 Fall Technical Meeting was held October 9-12, 2011 hosted by the University of Connecticut at Storrs, CT.
Spring 2011: The 7th US National Meeting was held March 20-23, 2011 hosted by the Eastern States Section at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, GA.
Summer 2010: The 33rd International Symposium on Combustion was held August 1-6, 2010, at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China.
Fall 2009: The 2009 Fall Technical Meeting was held October 18-21, 2009 hosted by the University of Maryland at College Park MD.
Spring 2009: The 6th US National Meeting was held May 17-20, 2009 hosted by the Central States Section at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, MI.
Summer 2008: The 32nd International Symposium on Combustion was held August 3-8, 2008, at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Fall 2007: The 2007 Fall Technical Meeting was held October 21-24, 2007, at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, VA.
Spring 2007: The 5th U.S. Combustion Meeting was held March 25-27, 2007 hosted by the Western States Section at the Town and Country Resort and Convention Center, San Diego, CA.
Summer 2006: The 31st International Symposium on Combustion was held August 6-11, 2006, at the University of Heidelberg in Heidelberg, Germany.
Fall 2005: The 2005 Fall Technical Meeting was held Nov 13-15, 2005 hosted by the University of Central Florida in Orlando, FL.
Spring 2005: The 4th Joint Meeting of the US Sections was held March 20-23, 2005 hosted by the Eastern States Section at Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA.
Summer 2004: The 30th International Symposium was held July 25-30, 2004 in Chicago, IL.
Fall 2003: The 2003 Fall Technical Meeting was held October 26-29, 2003 hosted by the Pennsylvania State University.
Spring 2003: The 3rd Joint Meeting of the US Sections was held March 16-19, 2003 hosted by the Central States Section at the University of Illinois Chicago in Chicago, IL.
Summer 2002: The 29th International Symposium on Combustion was held July 21-26, 2002 in Sapporo, Japan.
Fall 2001: The 2001 Eastern States Section Fall Technical Meeting was held December 3-5, 2001 at the Hilton Oceanfront Resort in Hilton Head, SC.
Spring 2001: The 2nd Joint Meeting of the United States Sections was held on March 25-28, 2001 hosted by the Wastern States Section in Oakland, CA.
Summer 2000: The 28th International Combustion Symposium was held July 30-August 4, 2000 at the University of Edinburgh in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
Fall 1999: The 1999 Fall Technical Meeting was held October 13-15, 1999 hosted by North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC.
Spring 1999: The Eastern States Section hosted the 1st Joint Meeting of the United States Sections at the George Washington University, Washington DC, on March 15-17, 1999.
Summer 1998: The 27th International Combustion Symposium was held in August, 1998 in Boulder, CO.
Fall 1997: The 1997 Fall Technical Meeting was held October 27-29, 1997 in Hartford, CT.
Fall 1996: The 1996 Fall Technical Meeting was held December 9-11, 1996 at Hilton Head Island, SC.
For meetings prior to 1996, please see Section History for a listing.